I Want to See You

Letter 41 – I Want to See You

Dear Garrett,

After my visit with Annee, the medium, things weren’t suddenly, magically, okay. It wasn’t as if, now that I had heard that you were a happy spirit in the universe, I said, yay, everything is now right in the land. No. That didn’t happen.

It did have a great impact on me. It did push the door of possibility more open. But there was no sudden revelation and acceptance.

A lot of the time, right after, I would think to myself, well great. There you are up there in the spirit world somewhere and here I am down here. You don’t have any sadness anymore, but I do. What good does it do me knowing you are up there? How does that help me reconcile what has happened? I have no idea what to do with myself.

My emotions were all over the place. How could you leave? And. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing okay. And. Why couldn’t you stay just a little longer? And. I hope you’re happy. And. I miss you. I want to talk to you. I want to see you with my own eyes and tell you that I love you.

I miss you, Garrett, and I hope to god or the universe that I will see you one day, in whatever form that might be. And I thank you, Garrett, for being my son. I love you.

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